The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences is the annual meeting place of approximately 70 independent scholarly associations. Over eight days, thousands of scholars will participate in a wide variety of events.
You can browse the complete listing of events in the online calendar in several ways. Use filters such as Date or Series to narrow your results, or type a keyword in the search field. Remember to hit Apply to enter your search. To obtain the program of your association, use the “Browse by Association” option and click through for full details.
Your level of registration determines which events you may attend. Your official access badge is mandatory for events that are open only to registered attendees.
If you have registered for one or more association meetings, you may attend those association meetings, as well as any events open to all registered Congress attendees and all events open to the general public.
If you have registered only as a Congress attendee, and have indicated you will not be attending any association meetings, you may attend events that are open to all registered Congress attendees and all events open to the general public.
If you are not registered for Congress 2013, you may attend only those events that are designated as open to the public in the online calendar. This includes the Big Thinking lecture series, Congress Expo, and many cultural events.
See the FAQs for more information.